Fees approved by the Rocky View Schools Board of Trustees are posted in the annual fee listing below:
Please Note: For field trips, team, clubs, etc. RVS will only invoice families based on the actual costs of incurred. For optional course fees, applicable revenues and expenses are to be tracked for each course for which a fee has been established. At the end of each school year, if revenues exceed expenses by more than $25 per student enrolled in the course, the school shall refund the surplus funds to the parents of each student. If you have concern about school fees you can dispute them by clicking on this link.
All payments are made available to parents using School Cash Online. Cash payments will only be accepted by your school office staff with parents present. Invoices for fees will be electronically distributed.
School Supplies
All students from Kindergarten through Grade Five at Sarah Thompson School are provided with school supplies throughout the year. Children will be required to have a pair of indoor shoes that are kept at the school, a backpack and lunch kit. There will also be optional fees throughout the year for things like field trips, yearbooks, etc.